

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Dear participants in this project,
This is our questionnaire which we asked members of our school community to participate in.
We're already looking forward to meet you in a week!

Manners  and more(s) – Questionnaire
“The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any.”   This is Fred Astaire’s view on the topic we focus on in the Comenius Project. When it comes to manners there is a wide range of opinions: From “out of date” to “up to date”. No matter, what opinion you are of – most likely you have already experienced situations you still remember because people forgot about their manners. Thus, in our project we are evaluating “Manners and more(s) – WHY they still matter!” and politely ask you to contribute to our project by answering this questionnaire. Having in mind Louis Nizer’s quote: When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself”, the following questions relate to social behaviour at our school and in our school community.

1.       What is your role in our school community?
a.       Pupil
b.      Teacher
c.       Parent
d.      Other
2.       How old are you?
a.       10-13
b.      14-16
c.       17-20
d.      21-30
e.      31-45
f.        46-60
g.       >60
3.       Are good manners still up to date, in your opinion?
a.       yes
b.      no
4.       Give points out of four: In which domain do people learn good manners best? (1 point = People don’t learn good manners here. 4 points = Here you learn good manners best.)
a.       At home

b.      At school

c.       In peer group

d.      At a (sports) club

5.       Tick three rules you usually follow!
a.       Using an appropriate salutation
b.      Say “please” and “thank you”
c.       Be on time
d.      Knock on doors before entering
e.      Don’t interrupt people when they are speaking
f.        Don’t talk while eating
g.       Hold open doors
h.      Offer your help
i.         Be friendly even if you are not in a good mood
j.        Ask people how they are
k.       Smile at your interlocutor
l.         Clean up before leaving
m.    Don’t push people even if there is narrow space
n.      Other: __________________________________

6.       Tick up to three ways of behavior you disapprove of and would like to see them changed!
a.       Colleagues pass without saying hello
b.      People do not respond when you say hello
c.       People don’t smile at you but look rather serious
d.      People use swearwords (even if it is meant to be “a joke”)
e.      People don’t say “thank you” when you help them
f.        Usually you hear negative criticism and hardly any appreciation for your work (“Not having told someone off is meant to be a compliment”)
g.       People push in queues
h.      People are not on time
i.         People don’t knock on the door before entering the room
j.        You are being pushed out of the way on stairs
k.       Criticism is uttered in a disrespectful way (It’s not what you say but how you say it)
l.         People interrupt you while speaking
m.    You receive e-mails without salutation
n.      People talk while eating
o.      No one holds open the door for you when you carry many things with you
p.      Sonstige: __________________________________

7.       Which adjective fits best according to the social behaviour at your school?
a.       Cordial
b.      Friendly
c.       Polite
d.      Considerate
e.      Indifferent
f.        Unfriendly
g.       Impolite
h.      Ruthless
i.         Unfair
j.        Offending
k.       Other: __________________________________

8.       Which measurements should be taken in order to improve social behavior at your school?
a.       “Good manners” should become a subject at school
b.      The workshop “Good manners” should be offered
c.       Brochures about “good manners” should be distributed at school
d.      Talk about the topic at parent-teacher-meetings
e.      Let’s have a “Day of good manners”
f.        Various projects related to good manners should be offered
g.       Areas for “up” and “down” should be marked on the stairs
h.      Posters and slogans should be exhibited at school
i.         Other: __________________________________

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